19 September 2012

Muslim Rage Against America is Because of Israel?

On one of my groups the question was asked, "Why do muslims hate the US?"

I answered, "Six letters: I-S-R-A-E-L. Israel is 4/10 of 1% of the total area of the Middle East, but the problem is that Israel demonstrates and magnifies everything that is wrong with the Arab culture and the other 99.6% of the Middle East."

Then the site administrator asked for a clarification, "What do you mean by this? Why is it Israel's fault?" He asked this because he had received five-or-six anti-semitic replies and wanted to make sure of the direction of my comments. I replied,

"It's not Israel's fault, unless you want to blame the existence of Israel itself. Israel occupies all of 4/10 of 1% of the Middle East. They have no oil and almost no natural resources. The Arabs have 99.6% of the territory, huge amounts of oil and more natural resources than Israel. We also know that BOTH Israel and an Arab state were mandated by the UN. And, of course, the Arabs did everything to destroy the mandate in 1948 and lost spectacularly to a nation that had no real armed forces, and what they did have was mostly obsolescent or pieced together. And Arabs have been angry ever since. NOW, we (the US) are the only TRUE supporter of Israel and because of that support, NO MATTER what we do for or against muslims, they will hate us simply because of our support for Israel, the one and only, true, liberal, democratic government in the region.

"Romney was right. Israel's culture, democracy and immigrant polpulation is the reason for Israel's success. The success of the society - tolerance, wealth, military prowess, equality, etc. - are anathema to muslim mores and ideals.

"The US has fought seven wars/military actions/policing operations since 1980 in efforts to assist muslims. Somalia was an effort to save muslims from starvation. Bosnia and Kosovo were efforts to save muslims from CHRISTIAN genocide. Kuwait and Iraq were to save muslims from MUSLIM genocide. Afghanistan was an effort to assist muslims fighting communism in the 1980's, and later to assist them in throwing off the yoke of a genocidal and injust muslim "theocracy."

"We've spent trillions in support of muslim nations. So, it comes down to Israel. It doesn't make sense, but that's it.

"Our support of Israel is the only reason that muslims dislike us."

15 September 2012

The Liberal View

I read a letter to the editor the other day in North Carolina’s Fayetteville Observer newspaper that made me roll my eyes. The point of the letter, by a liberal writer, was ‘why do conservatives vote against their own self-interest?’ His point, of course, was that voting Democrat was better for you personally.

And I now believe he is right. He is right in that he was unknowingly pointing out the very stark differences between liberals and conservatives. Liberals vote in their own self interest. Conservatives vote for what they believe is in the best interest of the nation as a whole.

I believe that is why you see more conservatives in the military. Soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardsman and airmen clearly serve for a higher cause – that of the nation and of the people. Conservatives consistently vote, promote and use their money to help others. Statistics show that if liberals gave to charity in the same amounts as conservatives, that charitable giving would increase 40%.

Clearly, giving away one’s money is not in one’s own interest, yet conservatives do it. A lot more than liberals.

Clearly, putting one’s self in harm’s way, with bullets flying, bombs and rockets dropping, and mortars falling, and roadside bombs exploding, is not in one’s own interest. Yet conservatives do it. A lot more than liberals.

I heard a commentary some years back, shockingly on National Public Radio, that concerned the commentator’s son, who had joined the US Marines in a time of war. This young man had knowingly joined what is and was arguably America’s most elite regular military force with the knowledge that he would serve in one of two places, and likely both – Iraq and Afghanistan. The commentator was stunned as friends, colleagues and acquaintances acted shocked that this man’s son would “waste his life” by serving them and the nation!

“Couldn’t he get into college?”

“Why would he do such a thing?”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.”

These were typical comments he received. When in Liberal America did serving your country become a mistake?

So clearly, the letter writer was right, especially in the viewpoint of the American liberal. Conservatives do act, vote and give against their own self interest. That’s because they know that their own self interest is not as important as the interest of the nation.

And conservatives act accordingly.