The ongoing efforts by our president and congress to avoid default and to adjust/increase/avoid the debt limit issue had me wondering what could be cut in our government that could help to keep the limit low and save our tax money? I went to the government's own website ( and found the "A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies." Below is a list of various departments, agencies, admininistrations, et al, that I feel could easily be shut down and the funds sent to much more deserving programs, or back to Social Security. So, below is the alphabetical list and some suggestions:
- Administration for Children and Families - Why do we need to administer children and families. I'm fairly certain that such things have been done for centuries without government.
- Administration for Native Americans - Why? They pulled it off before Europeans arrived, and ever since non-natives have gotten involved, it's been pretty disastrous for the natives.
- Administration on Aging - Serously, people will age without government help.
- Administration on Developmental Disabilities - Much better served by charities.
- Administrative Committee of the Federal Register - What in the world does this committee do? Seriously?
- Administrative Conference of the United States - Dump it.
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation - There are thousands of citizen and local government groups for this.
- African Development Foundation - Isn't this what USAID is supposed to do?
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - This is a part of a larger issue, but since the US government has gotten involved in health care, costs have risen EVERY year over the cost of inflation.
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry - A medical school or association can't do this much more effectively and cheaply?
- Agricultural Marketing Service - Let farmers and ADM do this themselves.
- Agricultural Research Service - Land grant universities do this.
- Agriculture Department - Outside of food inspection, useless.
- Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau - IRS duties first, let trade be handled by the traders.
- AMTRAK - I LOVE trains, but this is an organization that needs an even playing field. Stop the wholesale subsidization of airlines, trucks and buses, and let them duke it out on their own.
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Do we really need this to tell farmers and ranchers if their products are healthy? I think this is likely something else. If so, change the name and move it out of the USDA.
- Appalachian Regional Commission - 80 years on and Appalachia is still a financial problem. Epic fail. Dump it.
- Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board - Seriously? Local folks can do this better and cheaper. If not, people can sue.
- Arctic Research Commission - Give this over to Alaska.
- Arms Control and International Security - An oxymoron.
- Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Interagency Coordinating Committee - Seriously? My tax dollars pay for this?
- Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation - I'm sure Barry would feel better if this was in the hands of a private group.
- Bonneville Power Administration Botanic Garden - Huh? no way.
- Broadcasting Board of Governors (Voice of America, Radio|TV Marti and more) - The signals are jammed and our propaganda doesn't get heard. Shut it down.
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives - I have never understood how all these are related. This is a troubled agency and probably needs to be shut down. Start over.
- Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade - Shouldn't this be BATFE?
- Bureau of Economic Analysis - The Wall Street Journal, CNBC and Forbes do this daily. Redundant.
- Bureau of Indian Affairs - See Administration for Native Americans above. Outlived its usefulness.
- Bureau of Industry and Security - Why. It just sounds really sinister and can be done by industry. According to Obama Industry is evil and sinister, anyway.
- Bureau of International Labor Affairs - We can barely deal with our own Labor issues.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics - Let the Bar do this.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics - For what reason?
- Bureau of Land Management - The largest landholder in America. Sell it off to private Americans in 40-acre plots and call it homesteading.
- Bureau of Public Debt - WSJ, CNBC and Forbes, thank you.
- Bureau of Reclamation - Let states handle this.
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics - WSJ, CNBC and Forbes, again.
- Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion - Give me a break. Can you say "Social Engineering?" Sure I knew you could.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - These need to be phased out along with this center.
- Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board - Universities can do this better, I'm sure.
There are so many more: Chief Acquisition Officers Council, Chief Human Capital Officers Council, Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, and at least 200 others! I'll highlight a few others that emphasize failure, the sublime, and the ridiculous:
- Department of Agriculture - Keep the inspection services, ditch the rest. They don't work.
- Department of Commerce - Let businesses handle commerce.
- Department of Education - A complete failure by any and every measure. Get rid of it.
- Department of Energy - See Education above.
- Department of Health and Human Services - See Education above.
- Department of Homeland Security - Overstepping its bounds at every turn and doing a job the airlines should do on their own.
- Department of Housing and Urban Development - See Education above.
- Department of Labor - Outlived it usefulness.
- Department of Transportation - See Education above.
- Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs (State Department) - USDA and Commerce aren't needed. Why do we need an office in this department?
- Economic Adjustment Office - Well this one is certainly screwing up!
- Economic Development Administration - as is this one.
- English Language Acquisition Office - I think we already own this language. Just saying. Or we co-own with some other contries.
- Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) - See Education.
- Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board - We can't account for the Feds. Go figure.
- Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds - Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
- Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission - Political hacks all. I wonder how much THIS is costing?
- Government National Mortgage Association - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was all there was, right?
- Indian Arts and Crafts Board - I'm fairly sure that Native Americans have got this down pretty well. Not needed.
- Indian Health Service - Still? How many nationalized health services are required?
- Information Resource Management College - Huh?
- Institute of Peace - Not working, last I checked.
- Interagency Council on Homelessness - FAIL!
- Japan-United States Friendship Commission - I'm pretty sure we're all buds, now.
- Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries - The WHAT?
- Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies - Oh you've GOT to be kidding.
- Joint Fire Science Program - hey, uh, fire burns. Program over.
- Millennium Challenge Corporation - The Millenium is 10 years on. Has there been a profit?
- Multifamily Housing Office - For apartments, condos, or overcrowded illegal aliens?
- National Capital Planning Commission - I thought those plans were executed over 200 years ago?
- National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform - Hahahahahaha! no, really, seriously?
- National Indian Gaming Commission - More interference with the natives.
- Office of Government Ethics - Phenomenonal failure. Just call the police.
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation- We overtax here and companies are exiting the country. We need this, why?
- Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation - The St. Lawrence has been developed a LOOONNGGGG time. Time to spin it off.
- Selective Service System - For a draft only Al Sharpton wants.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - We're stuffing our kids with Ritalin, et al, and anti-psychotics are being prescribed by the bucket-load. Is this agency the culprit? Hmmmm?
- Susquehanna River Basin Commission - See St. Lawrence above.
- Tennessee Valley Authority - ditto.
- Veterans Day National Committee - Oh, PUH-lease. Turn this over to veterans groups.
- White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance - How many hours get wasted on this Moment?
Just these examples could save us how many BILLIONS of dollars?