02 March 2008


I realize that many in America, filmmaker Michael Moore, actress Jane Fonda and politician Dennis Kucinich among them, believe that America is the root of all evil in the world.

Now, those three people above will explain that America is raping the world by using over a quarter of the world's energy and that we are just energy gluttons. They will also argue that our greed is the reason for so much death, destruction and war in the world.

But, by analyzing those very same statistics that they cite, it actually shows that America produces more than we use! Only about two dozen of the 200-or-so nations on this planet can say that. But I can think of no nation on this earth that has done more for peace and justice in the world today than the United States of America. America, with just four-and-half percent (about 300,000,000) of the World's population of around 6,650,000,000, produces over one-fourth of the World's wealth! And we do it with less than a quarter of the world's resource! Most take more than they give back to this earth. That is what productivity is truly about and we lead the world in it! To paraphrase a famous quote - No other nation on earth produces so much for so many with so little!

And on top of that, we have given back nearly every piece of territory we have ever conquered. No empire in the history of the planet has ever allowed a conquered people the luxury of actually peacefully gaining back their nation, or as often as we. We have beaten or conquered nations as diverse as those of North Africa (the Barbary Wars and World War II), Cuba and (twice) the Philippines (the Spanish-American War and World War II), most of Central America (the Banana Wars and the invasion of Panama), Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, nearly all of the Pacific, and Japan and Papua New Guinea (World War II), Korea (the Korean War), Grenada (Grenada Invasion), Kuwait (Operation Desert Storm), Bosnia (the Implementation and Stabilization Forces), and most recently Afghanistan and Iraq. You will note, however, that even with all that territory conquered, we do NOT have eighty-eight or more states. There are still only fifty despite the fact that we have actually, physically, militarily conquered at least thirty-eight other nations.

You may also notice that of those thirty-eight nations, all but two are free and open democracies. Those other two are works-in-progress. Interesting how that works.

My point? Despite what certain people will say, and despite the fact that America's media will not only listen to them on their soap box, they GIVE them the soap box, the United States of American have to date proven to be the single most prolific purveyor of freedom and justice throughout the history of the world. Our conquests in the world do not lead to empire, they lead to freedom. This DESPITE the fact that we are supposedly the world's greediest nation, and we are certainly the world's most powerful! We could easily destroy and conquer most nations on this earth, some with but a single nuclear weapon. And if this was the Middle Ages we probably would. But, we don't. THAT is an amazing record, especially when held up to the prism of World history. Can I be the only the only one who sees the obvious historical inconsistency here?

What this nation exports to the world is not only over one-quarter of the earth's wealth, but also the vast majority of freedom, democracy and justice. Americans are not conquerors, and we don't want what we haven't earned. If we have twenty-six percent of the world's wealth and use twenty-four percent of the world's energy, and have conquered huge chunks of the earth only to give it back to the true owners, then we deserve all we have. No one gave it to us. We have earned it.
And that is the way it should be.