One of the very few liberal friends I have that still has the guts to debate me online and on Facebook posted the item below. I would love to see this enacted because it is so very much reflective of my views, and not coincidentally those of the TEA Party.
Sadly, my friend believes the Left's abominable narrative of the TEA Party and somehow believes that it is some psychotic, industrial-congressional-defense plot to subjugate the poor.
This was our conversation, and honestly I'm posting this to show just what challenge we libertarians/TEA Partier face when dealing with those who believe that they are on the Left, and are truly libertarian/TEA Party and just don't understand that.
My Friend commented on this.
And you've been buying into a system that rewards laziness and dependence.
...Where is the reform for seniors and Social Security...
Every effort at reform, all proposed by the Right, incidentally, has been shot down by the Left.
...Where is the ideas for affordable health care...
I can ask you the same. The idea now law is a catastrophe by any measure. The system we had covered the bulk of Americans. This system right now is THROWING PEOPLE OFF the safety net. and every other group fought against all of this instead go sitting down and figuring a way to take care of the bulk of American citizens...
It was forced down America's throat by the Left, and was only passed through political favors and outright bribery.
...Where is the support for the unions...
Unions are well past their useful lives in America. I can show you a number of examples where unions actually were the result of job LOSSES. Additionally, all the issues championed by unions are now regulated by the government - work hours, workplace safety, retirement, etc., etc. are all now government programs.
...The ones that built this country...
The ones that built this country were the people. ALL of them. The workers, the innovators, the entrepreneur, the soldier/sailor/airman/Marine, the housewife, the teacher, etc., etc. And not one of them needs a union.
...that protect it's members and make sure fair wages are paid...
That's been taken over by the Department of Labor, Labor Boards, etc., etc. cronies hate unions because of that...
I don't know many rich people. The ones I've met are generally kind, considerate people who worked HARD for their wealth and want to retain it. They hate unions b/c of abuses by the unions, and the grotesque criminality of the majority of them. Every major strike has led to violence. Union featherbedding nearly destroyed the rail industry, steel, and a lot of other industry, as well as forcing them to move overseas.
...Unions created the 40 hour work week, anti child labor...
Which are all regulated by the government today.
...(Standard liberal, hate-driven, nasty comment here) send their business overseas where they can be manufactured for less, allowing more profits...
If you ran a business, you would do what you could to maximize profits. All unions, government regulation, the EPA, etc., have done have forced business overseas so that they can STAY profitable. Basic economics.
...Tea people protecting rich people...
Rich people? Seriously. Of all the TEA party advocates you know (me included), how many are wealthy? Darned few, I'm sure. If there is any group out there who are wealthy protecting the wealthy, it is the Left. The wealthiest people in America (Buffett, Gates, etc.) are from the Left.
...There isn't any party...
True. You have the united Republocrats. The TEA Party is a completely grassroots organization. TEA' stands for 'Taxed Enough Already.' The people there now continue to spend, spend, spend. That's the side you support. Bigger government, more taxes, more debt.
...Why the hell do these companies get such Huge tax breaks yet I get screwed...
THAT is the whole point of the TEA Party. Cut government, cut spending, cut taxes. You agree with all that. Yet you rail against the one group out there truly working for you.
...The NFL is the smartest. They are non-profit, pay no taxes yet makes millions!..
No. The NFL makes NO profit, and pays no taxes. The individual FRANCHISES, which are for-profit corporations, do pay taxes. As do the individual players.
...this country forgot what people brought them to the dance. The American worker, the ditch digger, the waitress, the teacher, the receptionist, the farmer...
And those are the people who have 'joined' the TEA Party. WE are fed up with a government that is more interested in power and strong, socio-fascist-Progressive government. And clearly so are you.
Kevin, I would suggest you start doing some thinking with your head and not your heart. Stop listening to the psycho-babble from the MSM and do your own. Go to a TEA Party rally, talk and listen. You WILL be surprised to find out you are one of us.
...Anarchy I say!..
Unfortunately, the second group to die in anarchy are the anarchists. Not a viable system.
So as you can see, there's a LOT of hate n my friend's heart. He unfortunately truly believes that people who are business owners, who make a profit, etc., are truly evil. Nevertheless, what amazes me is how much we agree on politically, and how much he and so many others out there seem to refuse to see just what we TEA Partiers believe in.