I am not, nor have I ever been a racist, a sexist, or any other "ist." I am an American. I refuse to see color, or race, or religion, or national origin. I have had, and continue to have, dear, close, wonderful friends who are white, black, yellow, red, brown, mixed, men, women, straight and homosexual, Asian, European, South and Latin American, African, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, Christian of numerous denominations, wealthy, poor, blue collar, white collar, retired, veterans, and others too numerous to mention. I consider them all friends and colleagues.
Okay folks, I'm sayin' it here. I am venting.
I am a TEA Party Patriot. And I am just beginning to tire of the unwarranted and unverified accuations and attacks on me, my family, my friends and fellow Americans who oppose what we see as government-out-of-control. But because we feel that our Federal Government and our current president have overstepped the bounds of the Founder's intent, and on many occasions our Constitution, we are "haters."
I do not hate. I may not LIKE you, but I love you as commanded by Jesus.
Nevertheless, opposition to our current government brings out the accusers, calling me and others racists, homophobes, haters, et al. And if you haven't already noticed, EVERY time some psycho in America attempts, or performs, a violent attack, every pundit out there jumps to link them to the TEA Party. But, it never holds. To date, not a SINGLE violent act has been linked to the TEA Party. Not one. None. Zero. That can't be said about the Occupy movement or thir liberal cohorts.
And I am just tired and fed up with it all.
I'm sorry, folks, but if you have only the hate card to defend your view versus mine, I would have to say your view is indefensible. I do NOT need to prove my credentials. I've already proven them by who I choose to associate with, who I chose to be my friends, and how I treat all those around me - with kindness, deference and respect.
I do not need to justify a position based on my life experience and historical fact. And I certainly shouldn't have to justify my assocation with a group that has no history of violence, racism, sexism, or any other "ism."
I tired of it. I'm fed up with it. I've had it. And the gloves are off.
Starting now, I will call names, be ugly, make accusations, just like all those on the left (except my accusations will be based on fact).
Just a warning liberal America. I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one.