24 January 2009

The Real Problem with Liberals

I went to a restaurant the other day and was amused to find a car parked in a No Parking zone right on the curb in front of the eatery. Now, normally, I would be more irate than amused because I parked out in the parking lot, like we are all supposed to do. But, on this occasion I was amused because of what I saw on the car bumper and what it REALLY represents in the new, exciting, rarified atmosphere of American life and politics today.

You see, it was all okay because the car had an “OBAMA ‘08” bumper sticker.

Now, all through the campaign we heard all about “change” and that the days of “politics as usual” were over. I might have to assume that “change” meant the small metal pieces of money jangling in my pocket, and that “politics as usual” meant politics with Republicans in charge. Because, so far, what I have seen is standard operating procedure for liberals and Democrats. And this was never brought home so forcefully to me as when I saw that car parked in the No Parking zone.

I have been on this Earth nearly half-a-century. I still have a thirst for knowledge that rivals my curiosity as when I was a three-year-old. I still want to know and understand why things work and how they work. And in my time on this planet and all the inquiry I have made I have seen things and questioned and analyzed them over and over. And as I grow and grow older, one thing is painfully obvious. In the liberal world in which we live, liberals make laws and rules for everyone but themselves.

You may find that curious, but it angers me when the body of evidence increases daily. Now, while these sorts of things have a long history for liberals and democrats, the opposite is equally long on the conservative side. I will note only some of the most recent evidence to build my case, but they are stark and scream of a double standard.

The first example is Senatress Hillary Clinton’s cakewalk hearing in the Senate for her nomination as the Secretary of State for the incoming Obama administration. Clinton has a long list and litany of questionable issues that truly do make one wonder as to her ability to properly function as a true, unbiased representative of the United States. She and her husband’s myriad contacts and dealings with foreign nations having to do with MILLIONS of dollars going into their pockets and the pockets of their pet projects would quickly, undoubtedly and firmly derail any conservative in a similar circumstance. That nominee would be in the pocket of evil, Arab, oil barons.

Then there is Timothy Geithner, the man that President Obama wants for the new Secretary of the Treasury. This man blatantly evaded paying taxes, despite being told that by his employer, AND THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, that he was required to do so. He finally paid up when he learned he might be able to get a plumb political appointment. Would a non-liberal still be on the list? Much lesser things destroyed the nominations of Reagan and both Bush’s nominees.

New York 15th District Representative Charlie Rangel, a Democrat, after years of outrageous conduct and race-baiting, is suddenly found to have failed to report rental income on a beach house in the Dominican Republic, or even pay taxes on the income. He also claims to be living in at least three government-funded, rent-subsidized apartments in New York City, all while also claiming his primary home in Washington, DC for tax purposes. Additionally, he allegedly used congressional stationery to solicit donors for a City College public policy institute in his name, along with other alleged problems. Conversely, Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho was caught apparently attempting to solicit gay sex in a public bathroom. According to liberals, there is apparently nothing wrong with being gay. But, if you are Republican, conservative, white and gay, then there is a problem. He was skewered in the press and resigned. Rangel is still in congress, and has yet to be skewered by anyone in the press.

Bill Clinton pardoned felon Mark Rich. When all the truth came out, mostly that Rich had given money to certain Democrats, Clinton worked hard to explain it away. President George W. Bush on the other hand revoked a pardon he issued to Isaac Robert Toussie, whose father had donated money to certain Republicans. Bush REVOKED the pardon. Democrat patron Rich is no longer a felon. Toussie, whose father is a Republican patron, is still a felon.

Now that Barack Obama is the new president he promptly signed a new order establishing incredibly high standards for lobbying and government service. He then just as promptly was forced to consider a waiver for William J. Lynn III as the proposed Assistant Secretary of Defense. Were the standards just impossibly high? Perhaps, but more to the point, the idea that the new rule can be waived for a liberal administration.

Remember, liberal rules are really for non-liberals.

It would seem that liberals believe, with all their heart, that non-liberals (Republicans, conservatives, Christians, whatever they may be called) are evil, must be curbed and need rules. Liberals, on the other hand, don’t need such rules. They are kind, loving, good people who only want what is best.

So, if one of them breaks a little rule, like say parking in a No Parking zone or evading taxes that we must believe he really wanted to pay all along, it’s really okay. Really. It is. So, I guess I really should still be more amused than irate.

So how come I’m not?

01 January 2009

A New Religion?

In my pursuit of a Bachelors Degree toward my efforts to enter the seminary, I have taken as many religion courses as are available at my college. One of these courses is World Religion. The instructor is an interesting lady who teaches at the University of South Carolina, Benedict College, and at my school, Limestone College. All the have campuses in Columbia, South Carolina. It was explained that all religions have four elements that affect them: Culture, Founding, Sacred Texts, History. And as our Final Exam, she assigned us the task of making our own religion.
The efforts were noble and sublime and much in between. I went for the sublime. And in this, I found my choice of subject religion to be surprisingly easy! Below is the basic outline of my "new" religion that I presented for a grade.
As I was developing my assignment, I recall thinking "I hope I don't go to Hell for this." I mentioned this to my parish priest and he found it amusing, suggesting I blog it. I was assured that God does in fact have a sense of humor, and that he would likely forgive me for this. He's right, I'm sure. I got an 'A.'
So, for your entertainment (And for His glory) I present to you:


"In the beginning, there were cars. They were angled, utilitarian, and void of style form and beauty. Many tried to bring beauty, form and style to the car. All failed. Some were beautiful, some stylish, and some had form. Some were able to bring together two. But, the divine trinity eluded all.

It was then that the Most Divine Prophet Harley Earl brought forth upon the land the most high, holy Corvette. Many car models exist, but there is but one Corvette."


Holy Days

January 17 - The General Motors Motorama opens in 1953 to the general public in New York City. On this day, Corvette unveiled herself to the people.

June 29 – The first production Corvette is completed in 1953. The birth of the goddess Corvette.

July 15 – Corvette’s first priest, Joe Pike, founds the first Corvette club in 1954. (Actual date unknown.)

August 20– At a NASCAR-sanctioned sports car race at Raleigh Speedway in 1954, a stock-engined 1953 Corvette races.

High, Holy Month of September

September 1 (First day of the Holy Year) – Acknowledged as the date of the immaculate conception of Corvette in 1951 by General Motors' chief stylist Harley Earl.

September 9 – Ford begins production in 1954 of the Thunderbird sports car, the first of the false gods. Celebrated for Corvette’s accession as the High God of All.

September 29 – In 1953 Chevrolet makes a nine-page news release about the Corvette. This is generally acknowledged as the first of the psalms to the Great, High God Corvette.

October 26 – In 1953 a Corvette has a V-8 engine installed as a test of such installation. Celebrated as the day Corvette became all powerful.

It was the culture of the car into which the goddess Corvette was brought. The worship of the car is shown in many ways. NAPA, Auto Zone, CarQuest, O’Reilly’s, and many others demonstrate the need of the society.
Additionally, there are numerous car washes where people wash their cars, and others where other people are paid to wash the cars.

The founders were the Most Divine Prophet Harley Earl, and the First High Priest Joe Pike initiated the religion’s hierarchy.

A 1953 nine-page news release about the Corvette was the first. Annually, the Creator issues new texts on the Goddess. These include the “Owners Manual” and “Maintenance Manual,” many of which are produced in numerous versions by Chiltons, Haynes, Dixon, and others including the Creator’s.

Since the First Day, September 1, 1951, the faith has grown steadily. The morphing of the goddess Corvette to appeal to new adherents on a regular basis has kept the religion steady, though it is considered to be a religion of exclusivity. Much cost is associated with inclusion into the faith, and additional costs that are incurred every year are burdensome. Nevertheless, many new members are admitted every year, and most that enter never leave.